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America s Toughest Trainer Jillian Michaels helps you lose weight with her workouts, exercises, recipes, videos, meal plans, mobile app, community, support ,.

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Jillian Michaels born February 18, 1974 is an American personal trainer,. segment called Ask Jillian, which dealt primarily with nutrition and diet topics.

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Fitness expert Jillian Michaels talks to TIME about how losing weight and eating right can help save your life and Mark Von Holden / WireImage / Getty Images Tell us about the three diet secrets from your new book.

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5 Dieses Versprechen kann selbst Jillian Michaels nicht halten. Eine kurze Recherche im Internet zeigt allerdings: Jillian Michaels, die als Trainerin bei der US-Version von Weniger naschen: Klappt die Süßigkeiten-Diät?.

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